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Issam Alnajjar

Date Title Peak Position # of plays
5/16/2021 Turning Me Up (Hadal Ahbek) 10 68
8/2/2021 Min Gheirik Inti 1 84
8/16/2021 Min Ghairik Inti 4 80
8/23/2021 Min Ghayrik Inti 18 55
9/27/2021 Hada Ghareeb 1 83
3/14/2022 T3awadt 3leiki 6 79
1/3/2023 INSAKI 2 83
5/25/2023 TMO 1 83
8/22/2023 Waray (Week 2) 1 83
8/30/2023 Waray 5 80
9/23/2024 Ya Leil 8 73

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